Friday, August 23, 2019, 17:37

Hello and welcome back we would just like to keep you guys informed that big things are happening with our church and we want to let you know that God is moving in our church. Thank the Lord almighty that he brought us Josh Blakley and Family because God is using him to bring more people into our church.Loving God Loving You

Jeannie Young wrote:
Monday, March 18, 2024, 07:42
Jeannie Young


Dear anyone,

I would like to tell you about my miracle. Many years ago, I was very sick with pancreatitis. I was in the hospital many times and I was never sure I was going to leave. I grew up in Church, so I knew there was a higher being. I prayed and prayed for help, but no help. Why am I going through this awful pain, still no answer. I began to wonder, is he listening? Until one day!

We had purchased some property and had a lot of brush cleaning to do. So, I had my loppers, chain saw and tools trying to do that. I have arthritis in my hand, and it had really started hurting. So much that I had to hold my first finger straight, I couldn’t bend it to hold the loppers. I finally got so frustrated with it I held my hand out and said, “Lord if I am supposed to be here, cleaning your land, I could use some”. Before I could get the word HAND out of my mouth the pain was gone! I just stood there looking at my hand, with a smile on my face! At that moment I realized he does hear our prayers, our cry for help. A few weeks after that I found the 1 of 12 Doctors in all of Texas that could do the surgery I needed. Yes, I’m sure God sent me to the right one.

That was over 20 years ago and to this day my first finger on my right hand has never hurt again. That day gave me the fait and healing I had always heard about. The true faith I thought I already had.

If you would like to read this to someone in need of help, you have my permission. I hope it can help someone that is asking the same questions I did. God bless you.

Jeannie Young
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