The Women's Fellowship at FBCQuinlan is very active. 

From focused study groups to decorating the church and everything in between, the women are busy. If you like being with other ladies who love having fun, come join us. We will be posting our activities here, so keep an eye out for new information.

We currently are doing a study called Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table.

I would love to have written stories or testimonies from any of the women who attended the conference, please! I will share them here.

We filled and shipped 200 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. This was a great effort, led by Kathy, our fearless Women's Fellowship Leader. It was a great time and we all had fun working together to give these kids a little taste of Jesus.

Prayer Requests: 
Always be in prayer for our country.

 Denice Miles is our women's fellowship coordinator.

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